So You Have An Idea For An App?
If you have an app idea and you need help getting it built, you’ve come to the right place. Getting an app built might seem easy at first, but as you talk to others who have tried, you begin to hear the stories of people who have tried and failed. The reality is, building a high quality app quickly and at a low cost takes lots of experience. People who are doing this for the first time tend to do their learning on-the-job and at the expense of the project.
For example, did you know that if you want your app to be localized (e.g. translated into other languages), the localization framework needs to be used from the outset? If you don’t know enough to ask your developer to do this, a lot of your project is going to have to be redone later.
Do you know how to inspect your developer’s work so that you don’t have a maintenance nightmare when a new operating system version or screen size comes out? Anybody can hack an app together and it may work for a while, but when something changes, it’s a complete mess. For example, there is something called Auto Layout on iOS (Android has something similar) and it is a bit of effort to learn to use this, but it’s worth it because it insures better forward-compatibility. So those are a few technical issues, there are also functional and business issues where investors and project stakeholders need help.
Most people don’t think they need help here, but they do. Do you know when a product is ready for release in terms of bugs fixed and baked functionality? Most new stakeholders don’t know enough to design a thorough QA (quality assurance – bug testing and fixing) program and as a result, they release an app that gets rejected by the market and never recovers from low initial ratings.
Conversely, another common mistake is not to release a minimum viable product (MVP) but to take a lot of time developing features that they think are necessary, but in reality, are overly complex. These are all issues that have to do with experience. Experience with apps and experience with software in general. At MobileCast Media, we are software veterans and can guide and educate you to keep you from making these mistakes.

When it comes to your app idea, it’s good to discuss it with us and get feedback. We can tell you whether we think it is a good idea, whether users will adopt it, what the challenges are – technically, functionally, and from a business perspective. We’re also familiar with the rules in the various stores because in the iTunes store there are many restrictions. For example, Apple can reject your app for not being useful, creative, or for lacking refinement.
Therefore, it is important to have a partner to guide you through the development process and help you with functional and business issues. At MobileCast Media, we have a lot of experience and can save you a lot of time and money. Use the contact form to the upper right to contact us today to vet your app idea and get your app built!