Parse: Another BAAS Bites The Dust

By John Houghton on February 16, 2016

mobile strategy BAAS

When my team was writing a particular data-driven app last year, we had a number of options for setting up our back-end.  A lot of companies use backend-as-a-service (BAAS) providers to simplify back-end development, for example, hosting the server, database, and writing the APIs.  There was a lot of pressure for us to go with Parse, a BAAS company bought by Facebook in 2013.  Running a BAAS company can be a thankless task and I noticed that they frequently go out of business as StackMob did in 2014. 

It’s important for a BAAS to have great backing and Facebook is a top brand, so Parse was in great shape there.  The ease of use […]

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